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We are Youssef and Oona, two passionate social entrepreneurs with a shared dream of catalysing positive change in the world. While both of us have a background in volunteering and non-profit work, our journey began within the tech industry where we worked together toward building motivated and effective teams. Rhubarb Effect was born from the idea of utilising our skillset and knowledge on agility, coaching and facilitation to benefit and transform a wider range of organisations including non-profits and social enterprises.


We've acquired a profound understanding of human behaviour and psychology, especially in groups, and our passion is to bring people together to utilise all the brains in the room to create something amazing together. When working with others, we place a strong emphasis on emotional intelligence, relational skills, and the wellbeing of everyone involved.

In our commitment to supporting those dedicated to helping others, we envision a cascading effect of positive change where we light up and connect systems to create a beautiful star sky which links all the constellations. Our dream is ambitious and bold and we hope it inspires you to take action with us!


Our daily work is guided by our values.

We create accelerated impact through our business model which is designed to contribute toward positive change at every step and in every activity that we engage in whether it's organisational success, better teamwork or individual growth and wellbeing.


​We create meaningful connections between individuals, teams and groups, and we foster a sense of unity and support within our community of change makers to create positive change around us.


We value authenticity in relationships and we strive to create environments where people can be true to themselves, and as a result open and honest with others around them. As one of the main pillars for trust, we enact and expect this quality from everyone we work with.


We help teams and individuals by providing support, encouragement and resources so that they have all the necessary tools and the courage to take their success story forward on their own. Our goal is to empower change makers for long-term positive change.


We understand that change isn't always easy. Therefore we do our best to step into other people's shoes to help them solve their complex challenges. We also acknowledge that everyone has their own background and that we bring our whole selves to work, and hence everything in our life has an impact on the work we do.




After working 10 years with teams and organisations in different industries and domains, I've become enthusiastic about the journey towards building great teams and the power of igniting highly engaged moments for groups. It was already in the early days of high school that I discovered facilitation and volunteering for great causes, and since then these two disciplines have been part of my life trail even if my curiosity led me to explore engineering as a study and career choice.


It wasn’t long until the passion for team dynamics won me over again, and now for many years my daily work has focused on helping teams and organisations to navigate challenges and complexity by experimentation and adaptation. Applying my certified experience in Scrum and Agile, I have learned how small steps can create a systemic change and how we can effectively facilitate collaborative problem solving for complex challenges.


My superpower is to notice and create opportunities and events for like-minded people from different backgrounds, and to bring them together to share and learn from each other. Without exception, this has always resulted in a bigger impact and positive feedback.


Besides being a teamwork enthusiast, an innovative facilitator and a change agent, I am a happy family man, a trail runner competing in half-marathons, and I greatly enjoy creating warm emotions with my baking skills and being the head chef of the family 👨🏻‍🍳

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Specialised in agility, transformative coaching, intercultural communication and human behaviour, I am fascinated by the complex nature of humans and systems and how we can put together the right pieces for positive change. While I have spent several years transforming the ways of working and team processes in the tech industry and start-ups, I have kept a dream from my earlier career in non-profits and as a volunteer to create wider impact in the world.

My passion is to empower individuals and teams on their growth journeys, and I greatly enjoy creative challenges of all sorts. In my daily work, I utilise the wisdom from ICF trainings in Transformative and Systemic Coaching, my knowledge working with Agile Teams, and years of facilitation experience in a variety of contexts. 

In addition, I bring 15 years of life experience from around the world, the ability to reflect deeply on different topics and issues, and a talent to create strong relationships. What I have learned is to treat everyone as an individual, and then to zoom out to see the big picture. For real impact, I believe it is vital that we consider both the details and the simplified holistic picture, and that we work at all levels to build sustainable change.

Finally, I have witnessed the power of togetherness, kindness and shared goals, and I warmly welcome you to join our mission for a better world now and in the future 🌻

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"Oona has an epic talent of creating deep and authentic connection. The type of connection that gives all the meaning to our work. Every moment is an opportunity to grow thanks to Oona’s observations, reflections, feedback and coaching talent."


We are gardeners who cultivate and nurture the growth of individuals and teams. Organisational systems are therefore our gardens where we foster positive change and accelerated impact. Rhubarb is a perfect plant for us because it thrives through collaboration and resilience; just like rhubarb, with every endeavour, we focus on the vibrancy of collective efforts and bringing vitality to every encounter and session.

What we call the rhubarb effect for your organisation and teams is fast sustainable growth, visibility, resilience and adaptability. In more detail, rhubarb effect encompasses the following characteristics:

  1. Rooted Strength: Rhubarb plants have deep and sturdy roots that provide stability and support. Similarly, teams built on strong foundations of trust, collaboration, and shared goals can weather challenges and thrive.

  2. Collaborative Growth: Rhubarb plants benefit from mutualistic relationships with other plants. This reflects the idea that teams can achieve greater success through collaboration and cooperation, leveraging each member's strengths and expertise.

  3. Resilience and Adaptability: Rhubarb plants are known for their resilience and ability to thrive in diverse conditions. Similarly, effective teams demonstrate resilience and adaptability, overcoming obstacles and embracing change to achieve their goals.

  4. Harvesting the Fruits of Labor: Just as rhubarb plants yield delicious stalks when cultivated and cared for, teams can reap the rewards of their collective efforts and contributions, enjoying the fruits of their labor in the form of accomplishments, successes, and positive impact.

  5. Tart and Sweet Balance: Rhubarb is often described as having a tart flavor balanced by sweetness when combined with other ingredients. Similarly, effective teams achieve balance by blending diverse perspectives, skills, and personalities, resulting in well-rounded solutions and outcomes.


     Are you craving a rhubarb pie yet? With ice cream, of course.

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